Isnin, 12 Januari 2009
I dont understand my own gender
this is what happened. I was writing my my previous post when suddenly my Housemate, Pokjat and Chek have a fight, Chek suddenly raised his voice and I being the gentle and sensitive creature that I am, had to stop it. I was like being so motherly (hehe) and asked what the sudden outburst of anger and then I said that I dont understand then i said "lelaki kalu dah gaduh nanti naik kaki tangan" (Men if involved in a row then will 'raise' their hands and leg, meaning to say the started fighting, raise their hands and leg as in punching or kicking) then they laughed and said that this is how guys have fun, sorta like that. Then Pokjat asked me what What will 'rise' if I fight with a guy, and then everybody laughed (Pokjat was referring me being a gay). I love you guys!
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